PIL DOCTRINE: STATE SOVEREIGNTY The sovereignty of a state is confined to a defined piece of territory, which is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and is protected by international law from violation by other states. Although frontier disputes do not detract from the sovereignty or independence of a particular state, it is inherent in statehood that there should be a core territory that is subject to the effective control of the authorities of the state.
"UN General Assembly to Vote on Resolution Holding Russia Accountable for Ukraine Invasion" The UN General Assembly is set to vote on a resolution calling for Russia to be held accountable for violating international law by invading Ukraine, including paying reparations. The draft resolution proposes establishing an international mechanism for reparations and recommends creating an international register to document damage, loss, or injury caused by Russia's actions. While not legally binding, the resolution reflects world opinion and has demonstrated widespread opposition to Russia's military action.
The General Assembly resolution reaffirms the UN's commitment to Ukraine's sovereignty and demands Russia to cease use of force against Ukraine, withdraw its forces, and address the humanitarian crisis, all of which have been violated by Russia's aggression. The vote count in the assembly has fluctuated, with a significant decrease on the third resolution to suspend Russia from the Human Rights Council. The most recent vote on Oct. 12 showed overwhelming support for condemning Russia's annexation of four Ukrainian regions and demanding its reversal.
Source: Associated Free Press
Link: https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-putin-europe-united-nations-international-law-0f7603e6fd328e872cdb4137709eaef7
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